Francis Mesaros

Gallery 14 Proudly Represents Artist Francis Mesaros

Francis Mesaros has developed a breathtaking technique comprised of thousands of crescent-shaped wedges that form uniquely beautiful landscapes of sea and sky. He has trademarked this technique called Mesaros Pancture Paintings. Pancture Expressionism is considered a new art form and the next investment art. The artist essentially sculpts with his medium. His sole tools are palette knives; in his hands they are the perfect instrument to portray his energy and allow him to spontaneously depict his feelings as they run through him. The range of appreciation for his work now has international recognition; from Ace Holdings Company Limited in Japan, to the CEO of Cirque du Soleil in Montreal, and Accuride Corp/Stoneridge Inc. Chairman William Lasky in the U.S.

If you are interested in learning more or in purchasing a painting by Francis Mesaros, please contact Gallery 14 directly at 772-562-5525 for available inventory.